Monday 4 August 2008

SATs results to be published tomorrow

The BBC reports that the national results from this year's delayed SATs tests for primary schools in England are set to be published on tomorrow.

The results are being issued although about 460 primary schools still do not have a complete set of marks, a month after the missed deadline. The results will show how many 11-year-olds have reached the expected level.

The government has said there is no evidence of problems with marking quality to require a delay in publication - and so is going ahead with the scheduled release of the overall national results.

Head teachers have opposed the provisional publication of results, arguing that there remain too many uncertainties about the extent of problems - either in terms of returning papers and the quality of marking. Heads have warned that as well as missing results there are other unresolved problems such as pupils wrongly marked as absent.

The latest figures for completed marking show that 98.8% of results for English, 99.2% for maths and 99.3% for science have been returned. In terms of schools, the Qualification and Curriculum Authority says there are now 2.8% of primary schools which are missing results in one subject, 0.1% of which are missing in two subjects and eight schools without any results.

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