Tuesday 13 March 2007

Lost Season Three Episode 11 'Enter 77'

What a cool episode last week! The Russian guy with the patch is surely now going to become crucial in teaching us about the others. We finally got to see Ms Klugh, the Other from the end of Season 2 - but why did she have to be killed! I loved Locke playing chess instead of looking after his prisoner.

It was typical of Lost that, just as we found out something new, it all blows up!

Next episode has a Claire flashback. I'm looking forward to this as we haven't actually seen anything of what happened to Claire before the island since Season 1 (last season's flashback was a flashback to what happened when Ethan kidnapped her). My money's on her and Jack being half-brother and sister. Can you remember Jack's dad going to Australia to demand to see someone?...

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