Monday 2 April 2007

Helping children to achieve age-related expectations

The subtitle to this latest CD-ROM released by the Primary National Strategy is "Securing Level 4 by the end of Key Stage 2". So it's just another booster resource, aimed at securing those ridiculous targets decided by the people who have never taught - the Government!

This CD is a compilation of resources for English and Maths which are intended to boost children up to Level 4 in time for the SATs.

It's all political - improve a school's results by targeting a handful of children who are borderline level 3/4. However, you might find the resources useful.

Ref: 00028-2007CDO-EN. Issued by the DfES.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to order the recommended CD but recieved an email saying that this item was not out yet for another few weeks- not really much help for SATs Jackie