Wednesday 2 May 2007

Moving House Part 10

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. It's all been chaos at work and I've been coming home to mess because we are moving house! Aren't solicitors useless?! We were all set to move, but the solicitors cannot finalise everything. Therefore we are moving on Friday after all. Instead we are moving on Friday 11th. At the new house we will be without a phone and broadband for a while, so I can only update by email (which I need to try to figure out how to do). This means that all will go quiet during May, which frustratingly includes the SATs week which I hoped would be a really good discussion point. In the mean time I will survive with all the boxes. At school I hope to hear soon about my new role in the amalgamated school. The children have named my desk 'Paperwork Mountain'. If only there were more hours in the day - mind you, if there were I'd only use them to work.

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